Thursday, June 14, 2018

Cressey’s Two Year Old Pictures

In March, I asked our dear family photographer, Cassie, to get together and capture pictures of Cressey near her two-year mark. All of the pear trees were blossoming, and I hoped she could get some shots of Cressey frolicking in front of them. Unfortunately, either Cress didn’t get that memo or she just didn’t care because she was NOT having it and refused to get out of my arms or stop crying. Cassie moved mountains to get these shots.









Aaaaannnd it ended like this…a pile of tears and snot (with me wearing a majority of the snot)

2018-03-06 10.02.32

So Cassie sweetly came over to our house a few weeks later, thinking Cress would be more comfortable or willing at our house. All Cress really wanted to do that day was WALK, so we walked and let Cassie follow and snap. She got a few more smiles that day!








Wednesday, June 13, 2018

HG’s Actual Birthday

Since HG’s birthday was the day after school ended, she got to celebrate at school on May 16th. I brought her lunch and a cookie cake to share with her buddies, and then she read a book to her class. She also got the much desired glitter in her hair and lots of pumps of smell-good body spray. What every third grade girl dreams of!

2018-05-16 12.46.10

2018-05-16 13.04.49

2018-05-16 13.15.03

2018-05-16 13.14.55

On her actual birthday, I took her and as many of her friends that I could fit in my car to have lunch and play at one of those jumpy places. After three hours, I finally had to drag them out of there, and then we had pizza and caramel cake with her grandparents. It was a perfectly Helen Grace day!

2018-05-25 06.14.32

It’s amazing how excited she was about a mister water bottle.

2018-05-25 06.17.33

And personalized stationery too!

2018-05-25 06.21.36

But all she really wanted was rollerblades

2018-05-25 06.22.54

2018-05-25 06.30.35

HG had to immediately put on the rollerblades and go outside, and of course, little sissy couldn’t be left out. So off we go in our pajamas and with Cress singing into her microphone. We were quite the sight!

2018-05-25 08.19.37-1

Granddaddy and Spiffer kept Cressey busy while I snuck out with the birthday girl.

2018-05-25 10.41.04-1

2018-05-25 12.48.25

2018-05-25 13.02.59-1-1

2018-05-25 13.04.34

2018-05-25 13.11.53

2018-05-25 13.13.55

2018-05-25 13.20.58

2018-05-25 14.22.54

2018-05-25 18.17.51

2018-05-25 18.27.20-1

2018-05-25 18.37.11

2018-05-25 18.53.16-1

A cute note to add…John and I were taking a pic with HG, and slowly and quietly, Cressey backed herself into place right next to us. She didn’t want to be left out! So cute!

2018-05-25 18.58.36

2018-05-25 18.59.46-1-1

9:21 p.m. – officially NINE!

2018-05-25 21.20.57

HG’s School Birthday Celebration

For Helen Grace’s school group birthday celebration on May 18th, we took her class to a local cooking school where they learned how to make cupcakes and cookies. We had personalized aprons for each of them, and they had a ball getting their hands dirty making the cupcake dough, scooping it out, rolling out the cookie dough, cutting the cookies, and decorating their creations. While the girls enjoyed pizza and lemonade, their extra take-home goodies cooked. Rachel, Olivia, Bella Marie, and Helen Grace blew out their candles, and we all enjoyed another one of Perla’s delicious masterpieces! We all had a great time celebrating our girlies!

The birthday girls’ aprons016A3546
















2018-05-18 15.40.25

2018-05-18 15.53.01

2018-05-18 16.13.22-1

Don’t those daddies look excited about cooking cupcakes?!

2018-05-18 16.24.27-1

2018-05-18 16.31.25

2018-05-18 16.47.24-1

2018-05-18 16.49.02-1