Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Toohig Tidbits: Early October

Early morning giggles with Brandy after her night shift

2016-10-02 12.15.55

Momo snuggles

2016-10-02 19.38.29

Mama sandwich

2016-10-04 05.52.26

These cardboard pieces came in a shoebox, and HG drew our pics on them.

2016-10-04 09.56.53

Practicing her rolls

2016-10-04 12.15.57

2016-10-04 14.22.30

A visit to the pumpkin patch at the church next to school

2016-10-04 15.06.28-1

2016-10-04 15.08.19-1-1

Cressey’s first pumpkin patch

2016-10-04 15.09.24

Ryves, Mary Chris, Darby, and Mary Mason came over for dinner one night. Remember Mary Mason is four months older than Cressey…

2016-10-04 17.48.22

HG dressed up Darby in every one of her dress up outfits, and Darby walked out to show us in the kitchen like a pageant queen. This is HG helping Tinker Bell “fly.” Adorable.

2016-10-04 18.10.54

2016-10-04 19.33.41

This cat can’t be close enough.

2016-10-05 05.30.47

2016-10-05 06.14.51

This is how HG eats breakfast a few mornings a week.

2016-10-05 06.54.39

Another day in the SAA library!

2016-10-05 10.46.27

2016-10-05 10.51.43

GD went to get Cressey one day when she woke up from a nap. This face is priceless!

2016-10-06 10.40.24

2016-10-06 11.05.16

2016-10-13 10.05.40

2016-10-13 10.55.41

This is what happens when big sister helps you “play.”

2016-10-13 16.35.58

Who doesn’t love a baby in the sink?

2016-10-13 18.28.05

2016-10-13 18.43.16

Mocha is always a love bug. but I have to take a pic when Blue gets this cuddly.

2016-10-14 08.24.03

Holding Spiffer’s finger as she sleeps

2016-10-14 12.06.42

This is HG’s take on what each of us do all day during the week. For the record, Cressey is in her bed with a stinky diaper, I am holding a broom and vacuum (bahahaha!), John’s working at his desk, and then HG is practicing her math facts.

2016-10-14 16.17.28

And we are too tired by the weekend to do anything but sit on the couch and watch tv. (On what planet has she been living?!)

2016-10-14 16.17.38

2016-10-14 16.23.51

2016-10-14 19.24.21

2016-10-14 19.48.41

2016-10-14 20.39.22

2016-10-15 14.23.35

Since she missed playing with her friends at the beach due to the stomach virus, I set up a playdate for those girls at our house when we got home and well. We bought pumpkins for them and planned on letting them paint them on the patio (with water soluble paint).

2016-10-15 15.33.49

2016-10-15 15.39.38

2016-10-15 19.51.31

2016-10-15 20.43.58

Time for the pumpkin painting party! They had the best time and were COVERED in paint (except for HG); enough that we had to hose them down with the hose!

2016-10-16 14.57.25-1

2016-10-16 15.30.31-1

2016-10-16 15.30.53

2016-10-16 16.17.01-1

2016-10-16 16.18.21-1

2016-10-16 15.32.46

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