Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Toohig Tidbits: February

“When my friend is scared to try something, I tell them, ‘You have it in you. You just have to find it.’”

HG asked to see a picture of the three wise men. When I explained that they lived thousands of years ago and that we don't really know what they looked like, she said, "You mean *nobody* knows what they looked like?! Not even Google?!"

After pulling a card at school for not minding her teacher, she knew she was in big trouble. In an effort to get back in my good graces, she told me that she made up a song at recess and asked if I wanted to hear it. The words were, “Parents forgive…”

We were watching a show about finding a hobby, something to do that makes you happy. I asked HG, “What do you like to do? What makes you happy?” She said, “Mommy.” Aaaand she can have whatever she wants at that point.

cms_file_36497489_medCatholic Schools Week: The ECC children put together goodie bags for the homeless. They paired up SK and PK kids.cms_file_36498419_med (1)HG’s partner was Ally, Evie’s little sister.cms_file_36498443_medcms_file_36498455_medFirst time to have her hair up in a towel like Mama2015-02-01 18.31.25-1She’s SO excited about going back to see her dentist, Dr. Coleman, later this month. She made this card to take to him.2015-02-03 21.51.04Valentine artwork2015-02-04 14.07.37Love Monster2015-02-04 14.07.40Thursday night in Byhalia2015-02-05 18.21.39-1Another certificate! She’s so proud of them that she asks me to take a picture of them.2015-02-06 07.55.18I got busted capturing a sweet moment.2015-02-06 19.50.40Callum’s 6th birthday party- Legos!2015-02-07 15.15.352015-02-07 15.48.30Life with a kitten, as told by Rebel Toohig.2015-02-07 20.11.36HG and I made some gumball treats for her classmates.2015-02-08 08.36.40An afternoon of jumpy fun at SkyZone with Courtlyn and Rachel2015-02-08 12.58.20-12015-02-08 17.51.282015-02-08 17.51.472015-02-08 17.51.55On a cold, Monday afternoon, an after school doughnut is a necessity.2015-02-09 15.03.03-1Helping Addie with the slide at Isaiah’s birthday party2015-02-09 20.28.13A rare moment of peace2015-02-10 17.09.232015-02-10 17.09.442015-02-10 17.10.20-2Playing hide and seek with Granddaddy at Panerahide and go seek2015-02-12 21.21.30I’ve got my eye on you!2015-02-13 14.56.30-1We found this photo shoot area in Target, and it worked- she had to have me take her picture with the dog.2015-02-13 15.53.39She has carried this Valentine balloon around EVERYWHERE. Blue even got caught up in the string one afternoon and went on a rampage with it around the house, with HG and I following him to try to release him and laughing like hyenas. Hilarious!2015-02-15 09.03.51HG had her arms tight around Blue, and I fussed at her that he didn’t want to be held that tight. She laughed and said, “See, I’m not holding him!” Sure enough, she let go, and that stupid cat just laid there. She’s the only person he’ll let do that!IMG_7759

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