Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Last Fall SAA Soccer Game

This past Saturday, while the entire rest of the state of Mississippi was watching Ole Miss (#11) beat Alabama (#3), HG was playing her last soccer game for the fall SAA season. You couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful fall day- perfect to spend outside- sunny and breezy. Since she’d had a rough week, the coach let her play goalie to keep her running to a minimum. She did well for the first half and tuckered out by the second, but she still had a blast. And then she got a trophy after the game- BIG DAY!

We stayed in Memphis for lunch since she had another friend’s party in the early afternoon, and she carried that trophy everywhere we went- Holiday Ham, YoLo, Target, etc. I’m surprised she didn’t take it into Aubrey’s birthday party! She and I had a very nice day together, just taking it easy and enjoying the time together. After the ‘challenge’ party at the Kroc, we went fall shoe shopping and then visited with Bubba and Aunt Sharon as they watched the end of the game on tv (Uncle Rod was in Oxford). Overall, a top notch day with my favorite girl!

2014-10-04 10.44.252014-10-04 10.45.12 IMG_0023 IMG_0026 IMG_0028 IMG_0029 IMG_0030 IMG_0042 Ellis, Carter, Rachel, HG, and Calvin Douglas. Coaches Brent and ChrisIMG_00472014-10-04 10.49.18 2014-10-04 11.51.11 2014-10-04 13.19.34

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