Thursday, January 5, 2012

Kairos Moments

Being a mama is not always easy. There are {lots of} moments when I lose my temper, want to pull my hair out, and dream about going to the bathroom ALONE. But being a mama is also an amazing, breath-taking, God-given gift that I don’t take for granted. I understand the gravity of the precious gift of life that I’ve been given.

I love this article in the link below, “Don’t Carpe Diem.” In the middle of the crazy, Chronos time (every day life; ‘real’ time), I try to focus on and remember every detail of the Kairos moments (God’s time; time outside of time) that seem to stand still and glitter and shimmer in my memory…those shrieks of laughter and giggle fits as I tickle her, the carefree voice that rings out in spontaneous song, the face of an angel that leans up to mine wanting a kiss, and the arms that wrap themselves around my legs. Carpe the Kairos moments, mamas!

1 comment:

Hope said...

You made me cry- before 9am! Such sweet words. So true too. Time is flying by WAAAAY too fast.