Friday, April 22, 2011

First Shiner

Well, Helen Grace has her first black eye. Her grandparents like to remind me that they kept her bump and bruise free for seven days, and she got a shiner in the first hour she was back with me! She was playing in the garage and leaned over to get something and hit her eye on a framed mirror. Doh! This is the best pic I could get because she wouldn’t slow down, so I guess it didn’t hurt too bad. Plus, she finally thinks it’s kind of cool to put an ice pack on boo boos so that helped it not turn too black and blue. :)  {Btw, she LOVES to kiss our ‘boo boos’ lately. Even if we are just scratching our arm, she asks, “Okay??,” kisses it for us, and then says, “Better!”}shiner

After we had a shower Wednesday morning, I put her up on our bed while I got ready. I looked back in our room from our bathroom after a minute, and this is how I found her- snuggled up in our bed, watching cartoons. :)snuggle bug 

She has really mastered petting Mocha sweetly lately- so much that he doesn’t bolt and actually enjoys it to the point of purring. Also, just last night, she has started saying her name. I caught her saying “Grace” in the car, and while she was petting MoMo, I swear she responded that her name was Helen Grace (said really quickly and slurred together).

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