Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Aye-ggs

I might possibly have been more excited than Helen Grace to dye Easter eggs. I have such fun memories doing this with my mama that I couldn’t wait to experience it with my own little monkey. We pulled up a chair to the kitchen counter and let her help. She loved the magic crayon to color on the eggs, and she *really* wanted to dip her fingers into the dye. :) We managed to stay pretty clean throughout the process though.

CIMG8409 CIMG8410 She seems to have inherited my tongue-sticking-out thing when I’m concentratingCIMG8411 Daddy mocking her new habitCIMG8414CIMG8415 The finished artworkCIMG8416She was so infatuated with the eggs that she would kiss and hug them. Also, she says “egg” like “aye-gg.” Not sure where she picked up this pronunciation. Hilarious!

She was still in love with the eggs this morning, and she proudly told me the color of each egg. She continues to surprise me with how much she really is learning and comprehending.

This morning we made some Rice Krispie Treat eggs with M&Ms. Deelish, by the way! Helen Grace enjoyed pouring in the cereal, stirring, and adding the M&Ms. One for the treat, one for HG; one for the treat, one for HG!

“Ta da!”ta da Totally busted…as if the chocolate ring around her face didn’t already tell the storybusted

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