Monday, June 28, 2010

Chatty Cathy

Helen Grace has been up to so much lately. She wants to tell you all about it, so have a listen…

At thirteen months:

  • Her wave is changing. She used to wave her whole hand, but now she just waves her fingers.
  • She’s still figuring out how to work a straw. Most of the time she can’t suck liquid up it, but she will always smile and say ‘mmmmmm’ after she sips your drink.
  • She would much rather walk than crawl and is getting close to an official running pace.
  • Unfortunately, she has learned how to take her diaper off….yuck.
  • She is great at sitting in her chair and rocking like a big girl. When she gets to a new place, she can find all the rocking chairs in the house in five minutes flat.
  • She is saying Mama, Dada, hot, woof, bye bye, and hi sometimes. As noted in the video below, her talking is much more defined, but we still can’t figure out what she’s saying most of the time.
  • She loves to hug and then squeeze her friends, like she has been doing with our legs. The only problem is that the squeeze is pretty tough when applied on a 20-lb child.
  • I have found her first freckle- it’s on her right forearm. I’m afraid she will be covered in them like her mama. :(
  • Even after a year, it still amazes me how my voice can soothe her when she’s upset or tired. One of the many blessings of being a mama!

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