Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mother’s Day

This year, we had a very unique Mother’s Day. Since Meredith’s graduation was the night before, the whole Florida (now Louisiana) crew was still in town, so we all met up for brunch at Mesquite Chop House. Very fun to have all the Moores and Toohigs there (although we were missing Ryves and Mary Chris who were getting ready to move)!

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While we were at the beach, I saw on Facebook from one of HG’s classmates’ mamas that HG had missed a really cute class project. The teacher asked them to fill in the blanks of things about their mama. I asked HG on my own and got some really entertaining answers. When we got home and HG went back to school, I found out that they still did it with her there, so we got another round of funny responses!

{While on vacation}

My mom is as pretty as a PIG

Mommy's favorite food MUFFINS

I have the most fun with mommy when we do what together ZOO

I think mommy looks funny when she does what MESS UP

I know mommy is really angry when she STARTS COUNTING

If I had $1000 I'd buy mommy what A DIAMOND

I wouldn't trade my mommy for A PUPPY (although I’m convinced what she meant is that she would trade her mama FOR a puppy!)

{School responses}

my mom is

1 comment:

the harrison family said...

i wouldn't trade you for a pig either. i love that...haha!