Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Airport Elation

Spiffer and Granddaddy abandoned us for an amazing 10-day trip to Italy (welcome to retirement, Spiffer!), and we were lost without them. Helen Grace was so excited about going to the airport to pick them up on Monday night. She, of course, wanted to see Spiffer and Granddaddy but also big planes and pilots. While we waited, we walked around the top of the airport lobby and saw lots of planes taxiing and landing. When HG saw Spiffer and Granddaddy walk out of the terminal, she squealed and went RUNNING to them, and I thought Spiffer was going to burst into tears. It was quite the moment! Following them was a line of stewardesses and pilots, and HG was very awestruck watching them walk by. Her night was complete- she got Spiffer and Granddaddy back and got to see REAL pilots!

Eagerly (and not so patiently) waitingairport

Btw, HG told me while they were gone that she was going to go to Italy too. I asked her when she was planning on doing that. “When she was a big girl,” was her response. And in case you wondered how old that age was, it’s four years old. ;)

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