Sunday, September 19, 2010

Windex Queen

On Saturday afternoon, Helen Grace hung out with Spif and Granddaddy for a little bit while I put to use some of my birthday gift cards and went to see little baby Lawson who arrived on Friday. If you don’t know, Spif has a Windex problem. As in, an addiction. She is constantly Windexing something, and now she has passed it along to Helen Grace. Look what HG was up to while I was gone!

SAM_0720 SAM_0721 SAM_0724 SAM_0726 HG makes the noise of the bottle squirting, but I think it’s my mom you hear in this video. Hilarious!

Sunday has been a pretty relaxing day with only few squealing, high-pitched tantrums. I believe the Terrible Two’s have gotten here a little early! HG has started protesting most naps in her bed, so I resorted to driving around a few times this weekend so that she would at least sleep in the car. It’s the only way we can get through some of those fits- whew!

Funny story from today:  HG is always trying to get in the fridge. This morning, when I opened the door, she bee-lined to it as usual, but this time, she pulled out a lint brush roller from the shelf inside the door! WHAT?! The crazy child had apparently put it in there a while ago because it was cold. Oh lordy!

Tonight, we had dinner at the Browns, and I caught these cute pics of John and Mini-John swinging in the back yard. Love these summer nights! CIMG6202 CIMG6203

1 comment:

Summer said...

Oh Ryan LOVES the fridge as well. So funny, he bee lines his way whenever he hears the door open too! He loves to play with the drawers! He threw a complete tantrum full of thrashing on the floor and screams last week when I wouldn't let him play in the fridge! Oh Lordy Lordy!