Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Baby Girl is so much fun and into everything these days! One of her latest discoveries is closet doors, and she loves to sit on the ground and move the door back and forth…until she closes herself inside the closet and then can’t get out!

Last weekend, my mom was pointing out a little dog figurine in our china cabinet and saying, “Woof!” She did a good job of repeating the sound, although it really came out as more of a “Ffff!” This week, she was sitting out in the yard with Grandma and Geggy. Their dog, Buster, ran off chasing another dog, and she pointed at him and said, “Ffff!” She’s connecting the dots!

Another new development this week- she is finally ‘getting’ the sippy cup, although without the valve. She has been holding it and putting it up to her mouth, but she didn’t seem to understand that she could drink from it rather than chew on it. Now, she will put it to her mouth, turn it up, and swallow the water. Pretty cool! Now to teach her to suck from it with the valve in so that we can take the sippy cup on the go with us! :)

Hey, this is fun!CIMG4735Would you like a wet wipe?CIMG4737

Little Miss Independent loves to drive her own stroller….and Spif was happy to oblige her.CIMG4738CIMG4739

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