Friday, September 25, 2009

Flurry of Family

Last week, we had some great family time with both sides…my cousin, Suzanne, and her kids, Worth and Grace Ann, came from Jackson, MS, and Ms. Jeanne’s sister, Edie, and her husband, Gene, came from New York State.

The kids love to play with Helen Grace. It’s really neat to watch them. When I was born, I was “Suzanne’s baby,” and then Worth was “my baby” when he came around. We’re still waiting to see who will win this contest…will HG be Worth or Grace Ann’s baby?

Here are some pics from last weekend! (When I get the pics with Edie and Gene off Ms. Jeanne’s camera, I’ll post those as well.)

Worth had worn her out Friday night!CIMG2997She’s starting to hold her bottle on her own.CIMG2994 Worth thought it was hilarious to put Bunny on her head. Z10M2649 HG obliged him but kind of looked at us like we were crazy.Z10M2652 Grace Ann, Worth, and HG at lunch on Saturday.CIMG2998 CIMG3001Grace Ann was really getting Helen Grace to giggle! I wish I had gotten a pic of all the faces GA was making too! CIMG3005The girlsCIMG3007

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Well, I was on the verge of admonishing you yesterday for your blog slacking, but you more than made up for it last night! :-) HG is just too precious!